The Hole In The Wall Gang Camp
The Hole In The Wall Gang Camp
Vanderbilt University
565 Ashford Center Road
Ashford, CT 06278
Phone: 860.429.3444
Fax: 860.429.7295
Matthew Cook - Camp Director
The camp accepts children ages seven through fifteen who have been diagnosed with cancer, leukemia, or serious blood diseases including hemophilia, thalassemia, sickle cell anemia, and aplastic anemia. Children from all age ranges are present at each camp session. Many children are still under active treatment, while others are in remission. The camp does not deny admission to children with other qualifying diseases who are also positive for Human Immunodeficiency Virus or who have Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).
The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp, founded by Paul Newman, is a non-profit summer residential camp in Ashford, Connecticut that provides a myriad of activities and support for children with cancer or other blood diseases. Two doctors, five nurses, and a fully equipped infirmary are available 24 hours a day. The counselor/staff ratio to camper is 2 to 1, or sometime 1 to 1.
Each camper enjoys a full range of activities that include fishing, swimming, camping, performing arts, arts and crafts, creative writing, boating, horseback riding, computer education, all forms of athletic activities plus plenty of singing and dancing.
Camper applications can be printed from this web site. You can also request applications from the Camp office in Ashford, Connecticut by calling 860.429.3444, by sending your request to The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp, 565 Ashford Center Road, Ashford, CT 06278 or by e-mailing
Camper Selection Criteria
The following criteria have been established for attendance at sessions 1 - 8. To come to Camp your child must:
1. Have a diagnosis of cancer, HIV/AIDS or serious blood disease. In certain cases we can accept children with unique medical needs. Please contact us with questions.
2. Be age 7 to 15
3. Live in New England, New York and New Jersey. (We include children or groups from other areas when possible.)
4. Be medically unable to attend any other camp.
The dates for 2009 Summer sessions are:
Session 1 General June 9-June 15
Session 2 General June 18-June 24
Session 3 Sickle Cell* June 27-July 3
Session 4 Immunology* July 6-July 12
Session 5 General July 16-July 22
Session 6 Sickle Cell* July 25-July 31
Session 7 General August 3-August 9
Session 8 Immunology* August 12-August 18
Session 9 Brother/Sister* August 21-August 27
* Camper recruitment for these sessions is done separately.
Brothers and sisters of children accepted who live in CT, MA or RI will receive an application to apply for our Brother & Sister session. Children applying for this session must be between the ages of 7 and 15 and must not have a diagnosis that would make him/her eligible for our other sessions. Brothers and Sisters attend this session separately from their ill sibling. Brother and Sister applications will be sent out in June. Children living outside of these areas may request an application by contacting the Camp office.
If your child is applying for Camp as part of a group, please return your application to your group coordinator. He/She will be responsible to forward your application to the Camp.
We would like to be able to accept every child that applies to Camp, but it is impossible to do so. All applications are subject to a medical review. Decisions are made based on the child's inability to attend a typical camp, the severity of the child's medical problems, whether the child has been to Camp before, and other factors (gender, age, etc.). Camp also reserves the right to make selections/decisions based on other factors as deemed appropriate. Please limit your attendance to one of our Association camps.
Application and Cost Information
Acceptances will not be mailed out until after May 1st. If your child is put on a waiting list, they will contact you when they have a cancellation.
There is no charge for the camp.
The camp is affiliated with the Yale-New Haven Hospital.
Geographical Area
Residency in New England, NY, or NJ. Children or groups from other geographic areas may be included when possible.
© 2009 Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt
