The Christie NHS Foundation Trust - UK
The Christie NHS Foundation Trust
Wilmslow Road, Manchester, M20 4BX. United Kingdom
T. 0161 446 3000 F. 0161 446 3977
Haematology and transplant unit
From the moment you arrive on the ward or are diagnosed, you and your family will have many questions to ask about your illness and treatment.We will do everything we can to give you the answers.
Conditions and treatments
The haematology and transplant unit cares for patients with acute leukaemia induction, acute myeloid leukaemia, acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, multiple myeloma, Hodgkins lymphoma and non-Hodgkins lymphoma. Chemotherapy is provided for related disorders - myeloma and transplants (autologous / allogeniec / matched unrelated donor (MUD).
The unit’s permanent staff consists of:
* 4 consultants
* 3 registrars
* 2 senior house officers
* ward manager
* 7 senior staff nurses
* 1 critical care sister
* about 30 staff nurses
* 3 healthcare assistants
* catering assistant
* 2 ward receptionists
* 3 domestics
* social worker
* liaison specialist nurse
* 2 outpatient nurses
* 3 transplant co-ordinators
* 3 research nurses
Who to contact
* Christie hospital switchboard - 0161 446 3000
* Haematology and transplant unit - 0161 446 3925
* day case - 0161 446 3924
* transplant co-ordinators - 0161 446 8036
* consultants secretary - 0161 446 3278
* ward manager - 0161 446 8216/3925
* senior nurse -0161 446 8076
In an emergency or if you are worried or concerned please telephone at anytime, day or night, either to the unit or the switchboard, on 0161 446 3000, and ask them to bleep the on-call doctor for the HTU.
* Dr Jim Cavett
* Dr James Chang
* Dr Effie Liakopoulou
* Dr Mike Dennis
* Tuesday pm - transplant / myeloma clinic
* Wednesday am - leukaemia clinic
* Friday am - leukaemia / myeloma clinic
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