Special Days Camps
Special Days Camps


Our Mission and History
Sunday, 13 April 2008 17:57

Special Days Camps exists to provide a safe and memorable camping opportunity in a medically safe environment for children who have experienced cancer, their siblings, and their families.

Our unique camp was founded by George and Carole Royer in 1978. George was a pediatric oncologist in Kalamazoo, Michigan who read about a camp program held outside Chicago. One night, he came home and announced to his wife that he wanted to start a program. That summer, with 50 campers and a volunteer staff of friends and medical workers from Michigan hospitals, Special Days Camps began.

Five years later, George and Carole started Special Days Partners, a program for siblings. They realized the need to have a special place and time for siblings, because cancer affects the whole family. Although retired, they still participate in camp, as do their daughters Lynne and Pam, who serve as Health Director and Assistant Camp Director.

If you are a member of the Special Days camps family, we invite you to become a member of our alumni mailing list! Please contact Pam (Royer) Pusateri to sign up today.

2009 Camp Dates PDF Print E-mail
Sunday, 02 November 2008 15:20

Winter Camp: Winter Camp is open to children who have or have had cancer and their siblings. It's is a time for all campers to spend some outdoor winter fun with new and old friends. Snow, or no snow, winter camp is a non-stop blitz of fun!

February 6th - 8th

Summer Camp: Founded in 1978 Special Days Camps will celebrate it's 31st year in camping this summer. Our programs are intentionally designed to promote self-esteem, confidence, friendships, teamwork and leadership in a traditional camp environment that is medically safe and filled with support, understanding, fun and laughter.

Partners (Siblings) Week: July 26th - August 1st

Special Days Week: August 1st - August 7th

Investigators: TBA

To request applications please visit our Resources page, click "Read More..." below and to the right or contact Camp Director, Tammy Willis.

The applications are in PDF format. Please be sure to download the correct form(s) for campers, new staff or returning staff.

© copyright 1998-2009 Special Days Camps.
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