Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre - Australia
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
St Andrews Place, East Melbourne VIC 3002
Ph: (03) 9656 1111, Fax (03) 9656 1400
The Peter Mac Haematology Service offers a multidisciplinary setting for:
Treatment planning and management
Long-term follow-up of both malignant and non-malignant haemato logic diseases.
Specialised services include:
Outpatient and inpatient management of all haematological malignancies utilising:
Antibody therapies
Cellular immune therapies
autologous blood and marrow transplants
multi-disciplinary clinics
Blood product transfusion
specialised coagulation and transfusion services
outpatient intravenous infusion of chemotherapy
Comprehensive radiotherapy service including facilities for total body irradiation, total skin electron therapy and other wide-field radiotherapy treatments
Late effects clinic
Large 'Good Manufacturing Licensed' apheresis service for stem cell collection, blood product collection and therapeutic apheresis (i.e. plasma exchange)
Molecular diagnostic pathology and minimal residual disease testing
The experimental haematology area, highlighting stem cell biology, underpins our new and novel therapies.
Diseases treated include:
all leukaemias (acute and chronic)
myelodysplastic syndrome and myeloproliferative diseases
Hodgkin's and non-Hodgkin's lymphomas
multiple myeloma and related diseases
Aplastic anaemia
Other non-malignant haematologic and autoimmune diseases
Clotting and bleeding problems
Multidisciplinary approach to the management of all aspects of therapy for haematologic malignancies. Members of the multi-disciplinary team include infectious disease physicians, dietitian, pastoral care, palliative care, psychiatry, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and social work
Access to all radiotherapy modalities including localised and wide field radiotherapy, total body irradiation and total skin electron therapy for cutaneous lymphoma
Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) grade peripheral blood stem cell collection, manipulation and storage
Specialized Late Effects Clinic for long-term follow-up of patients treated for haematologic malignancies
Integrated patient care and clinical translational research, such as:
monoclonal antibody treatment
cellular therapies
radio immunotherapy
Antisense therapy
Clinical research in all aspects of haematology with a focus on new therapies including novel chemotherapy agents, radiotherapy administration, immune therapy and cellular therapies
Participation in national and international clinical trials of novel therapies and combinations of therapies
Advanced Nurse Practitioner in haematology and Nurse Coordinator to facilitate all aspects of care coordination
On site high-dependency unit, PET scanner, MRI
High profile transfusion and apheresis service with close links to Australian Red Cross Blood Service
Myelodysplastic Syndrome Foundation designated "Centre of Excellence"
Supportive care programme focusing on acute supportive care, psychosocial adjustment, survivorship issues and long term followup
© Copyright: Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
