OHSU Cancer Institute
OHSU Cancer Institute
3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Road, CR 145
Portland, OR 97239-3098
503 494-1617 / 800 494-1234
The OHSU Cancer Institute offers exceptional multidisciplinary service and care to patients and families, and innovative treatments through clinical trials. Physicians bring together their skills and experience as a team to diagnose and treat patients' medical problems. We strive to provide our patients and family members will the following services:
* expertise in diagnosis and treatment
* comprehensive, individualized support and care
* close partnership among patients, referring physicians, and cancer specialists
* access to innovative therapies
Leukemia Doctors
Cancer Specialist Phone Number Physicians
Adult Oncologist
Chronic Myelogenous 503 494-5058 Brian Druker, MD
Chronic Myelogenous 503 494-5058 Mike Mauro, MD
Adult Oncologist 503 494-5058 Jim Gajewski, MD
Adult Oncologist 503 494-5058 Tibor Kovacsovics, MD
Adult Oncologist 503 494-6594 Brandon Hayes-Lattin, MD
Acute Chronic Lymphocytic 503 494-5058 William Fleming, MD, PhD
Acute Chronic Lymphocytic 503 494-5058 Richard Maziarz, MD
Hairy Cell 503 494-6594 Tom Deloughery, MD
Pediatric Oncologist Please Note: Pediatric patients are treated at
Doernbecher Children's Hospital
Pediatric Oncologist 418-5150 Kamar T Godder, MD
Pediatric Oncologist 418-5150 Johnson, F. Leonard, MD
Pediatric Oncologist 418-5150 Linda C Stork, MD
Pediatric Oncologist 418-5150 Dave Tilford, MD (Kaiser patients only)
Pediatric Oncologist 418-5150 Greg Thomas, MD
People with cancer are often treated by a team of specialists. The following definitions of these specialists were provided by the National Cancer Institute:
* Medical Oncologist (on-KOL-o-jist)
A doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating cancer using chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, and biological therapy. A medical oncologist often is the main caretaker of someone who has cancer and coordinates treatment provided by other specialists.
* Surgical Oncologist (on-KOL-o-jist)
A doctor who performs biopsies and other Surgical Oncologist procedures in cancer patients.
* Pediatric (pe-dee-AT-rik)
Having to do with children.
Most cancers are treated with Surgery, Radiation Therapy, Chemotherapy, Hormone Therapy and Biological Therapy. The doctor may decide to use one treatment method or a combination of methods.
For more information on the definition of Cancer terms, please refer to the National Cancer Institute Dictionary.
Copyright 2001, 2002, 2003, OHSU.