10th Annual Megan Cooper Memorial Golf Tournament Monday, July 13, 2009
10th Annual Megan Cooper Memorial Golf Tournament Monday, July 13, 2009
Andy's Chapter of Hope



The 10th annual Megan Cooper Golf Outing will be held on

Monday, July 13, 2009 at Red Tail Golf Club in the Village of Lakewood.

RedTail Golf Club
7900 Redtail Drive
Village Of Lakewood, IL 60014-3307
Phone: 815.477.0055


Click on the links below for event details. Want to golf for FREE? See the fundraising section for details.


If you are interested in sponsorship opportunities, please contact Andy through email at andylrf@comcast.net or by phone at 847-526-3042.


If you are interested in volunteering at this event, please contact

Ellen through email at ehanson46@comcast.net or by phone at 815-459-9049.


Donate an Auction or Raffle Prize

Do you or someone you know have something you would be willing to donate as an auction or raffle prize? If so, please let us know as we are always in need of donated items. Cubs, Sox, Bears, Blackhawks and even Bulls tickets are always a big hit, so please consider donating a pair (or two) of tickets to a worthy cause. Please email Ellen at ehanson46@comcast.net to donate an item.

Get the Word Out

Do you know anyone interested in participating in or supporting this event? You can help us get the word out about this great event by forwarding this page out to to family and friends.


Do you own a business or know one that would like to support a good cause? If you do, please let us know as we have several sponsorship packages available to meet a variety of needs. Contact Andy at andylrf@comcast.net for information.


To see how easy it is please visit a Andy's page at:
Andy's Page

How Does it Work?
Simply raise a minimum of $250 per person by setting up a personal fundraising webpage. It’s easy and here is a run down of all the benefits you earn by taking an extra step to raise additional funds to fight leukemia:

* Golf for FREE in the 10th Annual Megan Cooper Memorial Golf outing ($100 value)
* $25 Lou Malnati's Gift Card

Setup a Fundraising Page
Raising funds with your own personal fundraising page helps you to easily reach more people and allows them to donate from anywhere in the world using a credit card. All you have to do is fill out an easy to use template, and create a personal message. You are then ready to send off an email to family and friends all over the world asking them to join us in our fight against Leukemia. This helps you get more donations, with a lot less work.

Fundraising on line saves you the effort of collecting checks manually from several different sponsors. When someone makes a donation through your fundraising page, the donations are automatically deposited and processed electronically for the Leukemia Research Foundation. In addition, thank you notes and tax acknowledgements are sent to each donor automatically via email.

Setting up a Fundraising page can be done through the event registration link above. You do not need to attend the event in person to set up a page. However, you will need to create a user ID and password to get started. Once you logon you can begin to customize your very own fundraising page using a simple template. Create a personal message and you are ready to send an email off to family and friends all over the world to ask them for their support!

Fundraising Tips
Start as Early as Possible!
Don’t wait until a few days before the golf outing to start asking people to contribute. Give yourself enough time to contact everyone you know, including friends, family members, colleagues, business associates, neighbors, physicians, dentists, etc.

Ask for the Right Amount / Set your Goal above the Minimum
Try to anticipate the amount of money that your potential sponsors will be comfortable with. It is best to ask for a specific amount he/she is comfortable with rather than saying, “sponsor whatever your like.”

Check to see if your Employer has a Matching Gifts Program
Many companies will match their employee’s charitable contributions. This can easily double your pledge money and get you to your fundraising goal faster!

Develop a Personal and Creative Letter
Make sure to include information about the Megan Cooper Golf Outing and how money raised goes to fund research. See below for a sample email.

Sample Letter

On Monday, July 13th, 2009, I will be participating in the 10th Annual Megan Cooper Memorial Golf Outing benefiting Andy’s Chapter of Hope of the Leukemia Research Foundation (LRF). I am joining the LRF fundraising program and ask that you help sponsor me to raise money for leukemia research. Together we can support the LRF mission:

To conquer leukemia, lymphoma and myelodysplastic syndromes by funding research into their causes and cures, and to enrich the quality of life of those touched by these diseases.

The LRF has raised over $44 million the past 60 years to fund worldwide research, provide patient financial assistance, in addition to offering educational and emotional support to patients and their families. Today, researchers are so close to finding a cure, thanks in part to funding by the LRF. My goal is to raise a minimum $250. Let us work together on finding a cure!

I want to thank you in advance for your generosity. For details on how you can contribute please visit my Firstgiving.com personal fundraising page at www.firstgiving.com/(your page name).


<Your Name>

How to Raise $250 in Less Than One Week
Day 1 Make your own $25 contribution.
Day 2 Ask four family members for $20.
Day 3 Ask five friends for $15 each.
Day 4 Ask two co-workers for $10 each.
Day 5 Ask five neighbors for $5 each.
Day 6 Ask your spouse/partner for $25.

Where Funds Go

Each year the LRF uses the money generated by its chapters to award grants and fellowships to those working in the most promising areas of research into blood cancers. To date, the foundation has awarded more than 39 million dollars to 800 researchers worldwide.

Funds raised go directly to:

* Worldwide medical research seeking a cure for leukemia and related blood diseases
* Educational and emotional support for patients and their families
* Patient financial assistance
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