Leukemia Symptoms
Early Symptoms of leukemia - Bone and Joint Pain
The Leukemia Guide

Leukemia is a cancerous condition that causes an unregulated abnormal formation of white blood cells in the blood. Leukemia cells crowd out the normal blood cells making it difficult for the blood to work properly. Leukemia originates in the bone marrow and spreads to the blood. Radiation exposure and smoking are causes of leukemia. It has no known preventions.

Symptoms of leukemia can be classified as early leukemia symptoms that show up with the onset of the disease and symptoms of feline leukemia which are also found in cats affected by this disease.

Early Symptoms of leukemia

Bone and Joint Pain

The pain arises because the bone marrow and joint marrow becomes overcrowded with cancerous leukemia cells.


In a person with leukemia chemicals that direct the brain to raise body temperature to fight infections are released excessively causing recurring fevers.

Recurring infections

Although leukemia causes excessive proliferation of white blood cells, these leukemia cells are abnormal and are hence unable to fight diseases like normal white blood cells do. This adversely affects the patient’s immunity system. The patient catches infections frequently and experiences recurring bouts of running nose, and cough, bacterial and viral infections.

Symptoms of Feline leukemia


It is a condition where there is deficiency of red blood cells and platelets to carry oxygen to all parts of the body. Anemia causes paleness, weakness and fatigue. People with anemia bruise and bleed easily too. Abnormal bleeding can manifest as bleeding gums, nose bleeding and red spots on the skin which are caused when small blood vessels below the skin bleed.

Swollen Lymph Nodes

Lymph nodes that perform the function of filtering blood are located in the armpits, chest, groin and neck. They swell in leukemia patients because leukemia cells usually collect at these places. MRI and CT scans are used to confirm swellings even when they can be felt externally.


It refers to difficult breathing. It happens when the patient suffers from acute form of lymphocytic leukemia. The leukemia cells collect around the thymus gland in the centre of the chest causing pain while breathing.

Abdominal discomfiture

When leukemia cells accumulate in the spleen, liver and kidney these organs become swollen. This leads to abdominal pain. The patient feels full after eating small quantities of food. He faces an appetite loss and consequently suffers unexplained loss of weight. Weight loss is also caused by certain chemicals released by leukemia cells and as a result of frequent attack of infections.

Other leukemia symptoms

Acute Leukemia affects the brain and spinal cord which are part of the central nervous system. This causes headaches, nausea, giddiness, lack of control over muscles, seizures and weakness in arms and legs.

Leukemia may also be found in the testicles, eyes, kidneys, skin, digestive tract, lungs and other body parts.

symptoms become evident it is necessary to seek medical attention promptly. The symptoms of Chronic leukemia especially is vague in the beginning. They become evident only after many years. Diagnosis and treatment at an early stage of leukemia can ensure a complete cure for the disease.

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