Being Aware Of Leukemia Symptoms
Being Aware Of Leukemia Symptoms

Posted: Sep 3rd, 2008

Leukemia is a very scary disease, partly because leukemia symptoms can begin so mildly that a person might not even realize something really unusual is going on with their body for quite some time. In fact, the early symptoms of leukemia often mask themselves as ordinary tiredness or weakness that can be justified as being triggered by a plethora of other non-threatening causes. Being aware of leukemia symptoms is important - here are a few of the symptoms the disease can manifest:

Fatigue - One of the earliest and most common leukemia symptoms, increasing fatigue and just feeling an unusual lack of energy from exercising or normal activity can be easily excused or dismissed by the person experiencing the fatigue as passing for a variety of other less serious problems.

Infection - Because leukemia interferes with the body's normal blood cells and keeps them from doing one of their most important jobs - fighting infection - an increased rate of infection or just persistence of an infection can be a tell tale leukemia symptom.

Pain - Another common leukemia symptom is the experiencing of joint pain and bone pain that isn't otherwise justifiable. In other words, if the pain is abnormal and lasts longer than normal temporary bone and joint pains might last, then that could be a sign that something isn't quite right.

Loss of Weight - If a person is experiencing an unusual or unexplainable loss of weight, that can be included in the long list of typical leukemia symptoms. Unexplained weight loss is an uncommon occurrence and should always be taken seriously.

Bruising and Bleeding - Unusual or abnormal bruising and bleeding should be taken extremely seriously. Again, because leukemia is a blood abnormality, any blood related issues such as bruising and bleeding can be suspected as leukemia symptoms.

While it's important to be aware of the common symptoms of disease and seek appropriate medical treatment immediately in any case, if a person suspects being exposed to toxic substances, such as benzene, at one time or another, then these leukemia symptoms should especially be investigated with vigor. Such toxic exposure is frequently known to result in threatening diseases such as leukemia.

Again, being aware of leukemia symptoms is incredibly important. Because the disease manifests itself differently in any variety of cases, many people tend to ignore some of the symptoms of leukemia until they're very obvious. That's just one of the reasons leukemia is such as scary disease - leukemia symptoms can begin so mildly that a person might not even realize something really unusual is going on with their body at all.

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