Acupuncture Therapy
Acupuncture Therapy
Resource 4 Leukemia

Leukemia Treatment

Treating leukemia requires a proper understanding of the variety of conditions that make up this devastating and tragic disease. While all leukemias are cancers of the blood, some treatments affect different leukemias more so than others. To treat the correct form of the disease, doctors use a variety of tests which are designed to detect several different conditions.

Most leukemias are treated by a variety of anti-cancer drugs through chemotherapy. Specially designed drugs inhibit the bone marrow from producing excess white blood cells which reduce the likelihood of infection or disease. Occasionally, doctors need to use radiation to kill the malignant tissue, in combination with advanced chemotherapy. For the more acute types of leukemia, doctors attempt the most radical treatment, which involves transplanting compatible bone marrow into a leukemia patient.

Other Therapies

Even in the modern 21st century, full of technological wonders and scientific advances, there are some of us who seek alternatives to impersonal and sometimes ineffective medical treatments. While most doctors recommend proven mainstream treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery, there are growing numbers of physicians who promote alternative approaches in order to address the often systemic, or body-wide, affects of leukemia. Some less common approaches to treating leukemia include:

* Acupuncture: Tiny needles are placed into the skin at certain sites on the body called meridians, which is believed to alter the flow of energy through the body. Acupuncture has been shown to reduce muscle pain and nausea caused by chemotherapy.
* Coenzyme Q10: CoQ10 is a chemical sold in health food stores. CoQ10 is believed to stimulate the immune system and to help protect healthy tissues against the effects of radiation and chemotherapy.
* Polysaccharide K: PSK, as it is known, is a derivative of a mushroom that has been widely used in Japan as a complement to medical treatments for cancer. It is believed to enhance the immune system and may have cancer-fighting properties.

Any type of treatment carries certain risks. Before attempting to self-treat leukemia with an alternative therapy, you should always talk over the potential dangers with your doctor.

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